Friday, June 14, 2013

Embracing Change....

Wow! It has been a while since we last updated our blog.  A lot of changes have taken place during this interim.  There have been many new laws issued in South Korea regarding adoption that pose some changes to our adoption process and especially our trip to South Korea. We started hearing about these new changes back in February and over the past 4 months, new laws have been issued, unanimously overturned, and then re-issued.  This being said, I don't want to focus on the changes taking place and give specifics because honestly, we do not know specifics at this point.  I want to just ask for prayers that our adoption would continue to be in the palm of God's hand and that it would all be completed in His timing.  We can choose to  get frustrated/overwhelmed/exhausted and stay that way, or we can simply choose to trust in the Lord and believe wholeheartedly that He started this work and He will complete it.  Our family is choosing the second option and we hope that you will agree with us on that. 
Throughout the last month, we have been so abundantly blessed by friends and family.  We have some amazing friends who selflessly donated their family boat to us to sell and put all of the money towards bringing Nathan home.  Wow!  We listed the boat on craigslist one evening at 9 pm and sold the boat at 5 pm the next day.  God is so good to us!  We have also been blessed by some family members who recently just gave us some money they have been saving for Nathan.  Wow again! (if that makes sense :)  We have also recently been approached by many other family and friends who want to help and are excited to be traveling this journey with us.  What I am amazed at through all of this is that God is providing for this adoption for us and we haven't even had to ask people.  We started thinking of this adoption process about 4 years ago and were overwhelmed by the finances it takes to adopt.  It is amazing to me how God has proven to us time and time again through this adoption that He will provide.  If we just take a step of faith and trust in Him with what we feel He is asking us to do, He will provide!  It is easy to get overwhelmed by situations in front of us or by a choice that we are thinking of making, but one thing we are sure of now is that God will put the finances in our bank account to bring this sweet little boy home to our family! 
We pray for his sweet little heart to be attached to ours as ours is to his.  Healthy attachment is extremely important when you adopt, so we hope that you will join us this next week in this prayer for our family as well as a prayer for quick timing on bringing Nathan home to us.  We pray specifically that God will break these chains of injustice that are taking place in adoptions around the world and that we would be able to bring Nathan home this summer (I know, this is a BIG prayer, but please join us!). 


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