Wow! Oh my goodness! God is good! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!.....this is just a tiny expression of our excitement right now! I would like to use the words speechless, but we all know that is never the case with me! ha! Stunned is really all we can say about the Chili Lunch Fundraiser our friends and family threw for our adoption yesterday. We are completely taken back by how many people truly care about this adoption and showed up to support us. We had been praying for weeks that God would place His blessing on this fundraiser and boy did he ever bless it!! What a grand day this Orphan Sunday was to our family! We will never forget it!
Words cannot even begin to describe how grateful we are for the many hours our friends and family spent of their precious time pulling this event together. You truly are the people in our lives we always know we can count on no matter what. When we started talking about adoption, we knew it would be possible with God and with the amazing support system he placed in our lives. You all have been on this journey with us from the start and we are so excited you were willing to take the time and energy needed to help with our adoption funding.
To the communities of people we are supported by:
We have always been told it takes a village to raise a child and we now know the true meaning of that. So many friends from all over gathered at this fundraiser to support us. We were in AWE of the amount of people who came. It really is amazing to us to see how caring people are towards our family. What has been so neat about this entire process is the amount of people in our home community and in the surrounding communities God has placed in our lives. One thing we have seen in our home town community is when there is a "cause", the town of Blanchard is quick to rally around it in support and excitement! We were also shown so much love from our OKC Community Church family. Wow! You all are awesome and we are so, so thankful to be a part of such an amazing church we call family!
We expressed to God when we started this process we were willing to do whatever it took to bring his precious little child to our family but we were going to need Him to get to work. We knew the expenses of adoption and were fully aware they were not sitting in our bank accounts and unfortunately we did not have a money tree growing in our backyard; but, we also knew that somehow, someway God would provide. This journey has taught us that if you move forward and take the leap of faith on what God places on your heart, He WILL PROVIDE in miraculous ways that will leave your family speechless. We have seen it time and time again throughout this process! God is so good to his followers! He has paved the entire way for this adoption and we are continually in awe of how big and mighty our Lord is and how much He loves us!. Thank you for partnering with Him in making this adoption possible! We love you and are forever grateful!
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